ITF Indonesia Online
News and Event regarding Taekwon-Do, International Taekwon-Do Federation, and Indonesia International Taekwon-Do Federation.
IITF at ITF Congress in Rusia 2009

Photographs with masters of the International Taekwon-Do Federation, photos taken at Congress 2009
News & Event List
- ITF National Technical Seminar - Semarang 2019 (2019-08-04)
- Disclaimer: Spreading of ITF Taekwon-Do in Indonesia has never used force (2009-03-30)
- IITF Grading 2012-1 (2012-03-01)
- IITF Junior Championship 2011 (2011-11-01)
- IITF in ITF World Championship 2011 (2011-09-01)
- Merry Christmas 2011 (2011-12-25)
- Grading term 2011-2 (2011-02-27)
- Demonstration: IITF Demonstration at Markas Brimob (2010-12-15)
- Grading term 2010-2 (2010-11-13)
- Merry Christmas 2010 & Happy New Year 2011 (2010-12-25)
- Congratulation to Sabumnim Kim Song Gi Dan VI (2010-03-31)
- Grading and Black Belt Promotion Exam term 2010-1 (2010-03-07)
- All Jakarta Pre-Junior & Junior Championship 2010 (2010-02-07)
- Happy New Year 2010 (2010-01-01)
- Merry Christmas 2009 (2009-12-25)
- IITF at ITF Congress in Rusia 2009 (2009-12-05)
- IITF Anniversery (2009-12-01)
- Grading and Black Belt Promotion Exam term 2009-3 (2009-11-01)
- Demonstration: IITF Demonstration at Mall Taman Anggrek (2009-11-29)
- Demonstration: IITF Demonstration at Mall Emporium (2009-11-15)
- Indonesia ITF participate in ITF Worlds Championship 2009 (2009-10-12)
- Our Deepest Condolence on Sumatra Catastropy (2009-09-30)
- Selamat Hari Raya Lebaran for those who celebrate (2009-09-20)
- IITF Delegates In World Junior And Veteran Championship (2009-03-07)
- Grading and Black Belt Promotion Exam (2009-06-28)
- ITF News: Dato Dr. Grandmaster Leong Wai Meng (2009-06-01)
- Happy Easter (2009-04-12)
- ITF News: The 2nd Master Seminar Planned In St. Petersburg, Russia (2009-05-12)
- ITF News: 24th Adult and 15th Junior & 1st Veteran European Championship In Slovenia (2009-05-12)
- ITF News: The Memorial Cup Tournament For Gen. Choi Hong Hi (2009-04-11)
- ITF News: The 7th Year Memorial Service For Late Gen. Choi Hong Hi To Be Held In Pyongyang (2009-04-07)
- ITF News: The Taekwon-Do Federation of Africa Inaugurated (2009-03-20)
- [REPORT] Workshop: First Aid Training (2009-04-05)
- Our deep condolence of Situ Gintung tragedy (2009-03-27)
- IITF First Championship (2009-06-13)
- Demonstration: IITF Demonstration at Mall Puri Indah (2009-03-08)
- Happy Chinese New Year (2009-01-26)
- Workshop: Indonesia Umpire/Refferee Course with IITF Certification (2009-04-01)
- Congratulation to Mr. Samprastio Nardi For His Marriage (2008-12-27)
- Merry Christmas 2008 and Happy New Year 2009 (2008-12-25)
- End of Year Gathering (2008-12-29)
- Registration is Open for New or Migrating Student (2008-12-06)
- Korean Instructor: Sabum-nim Kim Song Gi (2008-12-06)
- Web BETA has been Launched (2008-11-15)