to ITF Indonesia Online
The Spreading of ITF Taekwon-Do in Indonesia has never used force
Indonesia International Taekwon-Do Federation, as known as IITF, is the only official representative of International Taekwon-Do Federation.
IITF directly pointed by International Taekwon-Do Federation, which headquarter is located in Vienna, Austria, to spread ITF Taekwon-Do martial art throughout Indonesia.
IITF does not permit, moreover IITF forbids, any party or individual (independent or affiliated with IITF) to spread this martial art by force or intimidation in any form.
If by any chance any party or individual being unfairy victimize by the activity of the spreading of this martial art, do not hesitate to report the information to us.
You can contact us at contact page.
"Kami Indonesia International Taekwon-Do Federation atau yang biasa disebut IITF merupakan satu satunya perwakilan resmi yang ditunjuk langsung oleh badan organisasi ITF dunia yang berpusat di Vienna,Austria untuk menyebarluaskan seni beladiri Taekwon-Do ITF ke seluruh Indonesia.
Kami tidak mengijinkan dan melarang kepada pihak manapun yang bekerjasama dengan IITF dalam menyebarluaskan seni beladiri ini dengan bentuk paksaan ataupun intimidasi.
Apabila ada pihak yang merasa dirugikan dalam proses penyebarluasan ini diharapkan dapat mengirimkan pengaduan melalui halaman kontak."
Best regards,
Chandra Lesmana
IITF Secretary General
Indonesia International Taekwon-Do Federation, as known as IITF, is the only official representative of International Taekwon-Do Federation.
IITF directly pointed by International Taekwon-Do Federation, which headquarter is located in Vienna, Austria, to spread ITF Taekwon-Do martial art throughout Indonesia.
IITF does not permit, moreover IITF forbids, any party or individual (independent or affiliated with IITF) to spread this martial art by force or intimidation in any form.
If by any chance any party or individual being unfairy victimize by the activity of the spreading of this martial art, do not hesitate to report the information to us.
You can contact us at contact page.
"Kami Indonesia International Taekwon-Do Federation atau yang biasa disebut IITF merupakan satu satunya perwakilan resmi yang ditunjuk langsung oleh badan organisasi ITF dunia yang berpusat di Vienna,Austria untuk menyebarluaskan seni beladiri Taekwon-Do ITF ke seluruh Indonesia.
Kami tidak mengijinkan dan melarang kepada pihak manapun yang bekerjasama dengan IITF dalam menyebarluaskan seni beladiri ini dengan bentuk paksaan ataupun intimidasi.
Apabila ada pihak yang merasa dirugikan dalam proses penyebarluasan ini diharapkan dapat mengirimkan pengaduan melalui halaman kontak."
Best regards,
Chandra Lesmana
IITF Secretary General
Here is list of most recent News & Event regarding ITF or IITF. Please always check with us for the update.
- ITF National Technical Seminar - Semarang 2019 (2019-08-04)
- IITF Grading 2012-1 (2012-03-01)
- IITF Junior Championship 2011 (2011-11-01)
- IITF in ITF World Championship 2011 (2011-09-01)
- Merry Christmas 2011 (2011-12-25)
- Grading term 2011-2 (2011-02-27)
- Demonstration: IITF Demonstration at Markas Brimob (2010-12-15)
- Grading term 2010-2 (2010-11-13)
- Merry Christmas 2010 & Happy New Year 2011 (2010-12-25)
- Congratulation to Sabumnim Kim Song Gi Dan VI (2010-03-31)
Here is list of most recent added Article. Always update your knowledge regarding Taekwon-Do, ITF, or IITF here.
- The Last Words of Gen. Choi Hong Hi
- Student Oath & The Tenets of Taekwon-Do
- Indonesia International Taekwon-Do Federation (IITF)
- What is The International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF)?
- Who Can Learn and Train ITF Taekwon-Do?
- What Are The Benefits of Learning and Training ITF Taekwon-Do?
- What is The Goal of Learning And Training ITF Taekwon-Do?
- What Is ITF Taekwon-Do?
- General Choi Hong Hi
- Taekwon-Do History
- Theory of Power (Him Ui wolli)
- Training Secrets of Taekwon-Do
- The Philosophy of Taekwon-Do (Taekwon-Do Chul hak)
Board of Directors and Staff
Board of ITF Indonesia
Board of ITF Indonesia
President | : | Rudijanto Tanoesoedibjo |
Secretary General | : | Chandra Lesmana |