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ITF Indonesia Online
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[REPORT] Workshop: First Aid Training
Thanks to Dr. Diana as our menthor in First Aids Workshop at IITF.
Various things to be learnt during the workshop, participants were encouraged to think and to implement incidents which are regularly occur, as well as incidents that are rarely but still are in possibility of happening.
All participant was enthusiast to follow the session. Lots of thoughts, ideas, and questions arose during the session.
Workshop was concluded by an oral test, which was resulted in improvement of participants' knowledge compared to the first test given before the workshop started.
Therefore, IITF will continue to provide First Aids Workshop for every blackbelt as well as colorbelt student.

"Terima kasih untuk Dr. Diana selaku pembimbing dalam workshop p3k di IITF.
Banyak hal yang dapat dipelajari selama workshop berlangsung, para peserta diajak untuk berpikir dan juga mengimplementasikan kejadian kejadian yang sering terjadi dan mungkin akan terjadi di dalam Dojang.
Semua peserta sangat antusias mengikuti pengetahuan ini, dan seringkali timbul pertanyaan pertanyaan baru.
Workshop tersebut diakhiri dengan adanya test secara lisan, adapun hasil yang didapat menyatakan adanya kemajuan dalam pengetahuan peserta dalam p3k itu dibandingkan dengan test awal sebelum workshop tersebut dimulai.
Oleh karena itu, IITF akan terus memberikan seminar p3k bagi setiap siswa minimal sabuk hitam atau siswa sabuk berwarna yang tertarik mengikutinya setiap tahun."
Chandra Lesmana,
Dan IV ITF Taekwon-Do
IITF Secretary General

"Mnrt saia seminar ini sangat manambah wawasan kami para peserta sebagai kaum awam. Pun sangat berguna bagi kami sebagai praktisi MA yang sewaktu-waktu dituntut untuk bisa siap dan sigap dalam keadaan darurat"
Wingyo Wicaksono,
Gup 5 ITF Taekwon-Do

Anything can happen when we practice sport or martial arts. All you need are the skills and confidence to know what to do if an accident happens while you are doing sport or martial arts activity.
Indonesia International Taekwon-Do Federation will present workshop "First Aid Training".

This is a very important workshop that the objectivity is to equip sportman as well as martial artist a knowledge and ability to perform first aid for safety purpose in sport and martial art activity.

Following is the detail of the workshop:
Event: First Aid Training (as known as P3K)
Trainer: Dr. Diana Lestari
Qualification: ATLS (Advance Trauma Life Support) Certification
Date Time: Sunday, April 5th, 2009, 9 AM - 4 PM.
Place of event: Sasung Dojang
Price: Rp. 175,000
Price Include: Lunch

Registration form should be submited before April 3th, 2009.
Please contact your dojang representative if you are an active student of IITF Taekwon-Do, or contact our office from contact page for registration form.

We encourage every instructor, blackbelt, and senior of Taekwon-Do to enroll in this workshop.
Color belt Taekwon-Do practitoner can enroll with minimum age of 15 years old.
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