ITF Indonesia Online
News and Event regarding Taekwon-Do, International Taekwon-Do Federation, and Indonesia International Taekwon-Do Federation.
Demonstration: IITF Demonstration at Mall Puri Indah
Our previous demonstration in Mall Taman Anggrek was a satisfactory, thus we are once again invited to give ITF demonstration.
The demonstration will be held in Mall Puri Indah, Jakarta.
Once again, we are under the Education Fair event.
We are grateful for this opportunity.
The date is be: Sunday, 8th March, 2009.
The time is around: 4 PM.
All demonstration will be again open for public and free.
Please feel free come and see the demonstration of IITF as well as the demonstration of other schools.
The demonstration will be held in Mall Puri Indah, Jakarta.
Once again, we are under the Education Fair event.
We are grateful for this opportunity.
The date is be: Sunday, 8th March, 2009.
The time is around: 4 PM.
All demonstration will be again open for public and free.
Please feel free come and see the demonstration of IITF as well as the demonstration of other schools.
News & Event List
- ITF National Technical Seminar - Semarang 2019 (2019-08-04)
- Disclaimer: Spreading of ITF Taekwon-Do in Indonesia has never used force (2009-03-30)
- IITF Grading 2012-1 (2012-03-01)
- IITF Junior Championship 2011 (2011-11-01)
- IITF in ITF World Championship 2011 (2011-09-01)
- Merry Christmas 2011 (2011-12-25)
- Grading term 2011-2 (2011-02-27)
- Demonstration: IITF Demonstration at Markas Brimob (2010-12-15)
- Grading term 2010-2 (2010-11-13)
- Merry Christmas 2010 & Happy New Year 2011 (2010-12-25)
- Congratulation to Sabumnim Kim Song Gi Dan VI (2010-03-31)
- Grading and Black Belt Promotion Exam term 2010-1 (2010-03-07)
- All Jakarta Pre-Junior & Junior Championship 2010 (2010-02-07)
- Happy New Year 2010 (2010-01-01)
- Merry Christmas 2009 (2009-12-25)
- IITF at ITF Congress in Rusia 2009 (2009-12-05)
- IITF Anniversery (2009-12-01)
- Grading and Black Belt Promotion Exam term 2009-3 (2009-11-01)
- Demonstration: IITF Demonstration at Mall Taman Anggrek (2009-11-29)
- Demonstration: IITF Demonstration at Mall Emporium (2009-11-15)
- Indonesia ITF participate in ITF Worlds Championship 2009 (2009-10-12)
- Our Deepest Condolence on Sumatra Catastropy (2009-09-30)
- Selamat Hari Raya Lebaran for those who celebrate (2009-09-20)
- IITF Delegates In World Junior And Veteran Championship (2009-03-07)
- Grading and Black Belt Promotion Exam (2009-06-28)
- ITF News: Dato Dr. Grandmaster Leong Wai Meng (2009-06-01)
- Happy Easter (2009-04-12)
- ITF News: The 2nd Master Seminar Planned In St. Petersburg, Russia (2009-05-12)
- ITF News: 24th Adult and 15th Junior & 1st Veteran European Championship In Slovenia (2009-05-12)
- ITF News: The Memorial Cup Tournament For Gen. Choi Hong Hi (2009-04-11)
- ITF News: The 7th Year Memorial Service For Late Gen. Choi Hong Hi To Be Held In Pyongyang (2009-04-07)
- ITF News: The Taekwon-Do Federation of Africa Inaugurated (2009-03-20)
- [REPORT] Workshop: First Aid Training (2009-04-05)
- Our deep condolence of Situ Gintung tragedy (2009-03-27)
- IITF First Championship (2009-06-13)
- Demonstration: IITF Demonstration at Mall Puri Indah (2009-03-08)
- Happy Chinese New Year (2009-01-26)
- Workshop: Indonesia Umpire/Refferee Course with IITF Certification (2009-04-01)
- Congratulation to Mr. Samprastio Nardi For His Marriage (2008-12-27)
- Merry Christmas 2008 and Happy New Year 2009 (2008-12-25)
- End of Year Gathering (2008-12-29)
- Registration is Open for New or Migrating Student (2008-12-06)
- Korean Instructor: Sabum-nim Kim Song Gi (2008-12-06)
- Web BETA has been Launched (2008-11-15)